H.K. Slade
Purveyor of Fine Fiction and Champion of the Oxford Comma

H.K. Who?
About the Author
H.K. Slade grew up fascinated by storytelling, the magical process that allows one person to transport another back in time, across the universe, and into the middle of danger, mystery, or adventure with mere words. Some of his favorite practitioners of this art include Sir Terry Pratchett, Raymond Chandler, Tony Hillerman, Steven Pressfield, Christopher Moore, Tamora Pierce, and Jim Butcher.
First published in the Powhatan Review many years before the invention of the Zune, H. K. Slade has since had his works of fiction published in Visions Magazine for the Arts, The Black Water Review, Alien Skin, Down in the Dirt, Peridot Books, Allegory Magazine, Mystery Weekly, The Yard, Everyday Fiction, Black Cat Mystery Magazine, Dark Horses, Black Cat Weekly, and a variety of anthologies.
He lives in North Carolina with his family and, until the state allows him to retire and write full time, spends his weekdays teaching heroes how to slay dragons.